Nice to meet you!

I’m Cory: girl mom and Upstate NY transplant living and raising my family in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. I came down South for college and met my husband shortly after graduating. We got married in 2016 and planted our roots in Northern Virginia. Now, we’re the happy parents to three girls, ages five and under.

When I found out we were expecting our third baby, I decided to leave corporate America behind at the end of 2022 to focus on our growing family. After resigning, I struggled to find my identity outside of being a stay-at-home-mom. Part of me missed working towards a career; however, a bigger part of me wanted to be at home with my girls.

So I asked myself: why does it have to be one or the other?

There had to be a way I could enjoy these years with my daughters while still pursuing something I was passionate about. I spent months and months brainstorming how I could make this happen. Then, during one middle-of-the-night feeding (isn’t that when the best ideas come?)… Scrunchy SAHM was born!

A scrunchy mom is defined as someone who has a parenting style that balances using modern technology and natural solutions. As a self-proclaimed Scrunchy mom SAHM, I am all about finding balance in the chaos. In our house, sometimes that means a candy bribe to get out the door on time. Sometimes it means spending my spare time making homemade baby food. There is no one-size-fits-all all parenting style. I believe that sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your sanity and keep your kids happy. I want to help moms embrace all of the messy and magical moments of motherhood, no matter what that looks like for your family.

Over the years, I’ve also realized that every pregnancy, birth and experience of raising a child is completely different.

Each of my daughters has brought – and continues to bring – new challenges, questions, achievements and learning lessons. Every time I feel like I’ve successfully tackled and solved an issue, a new one is hurdled our way. What previously worked flawlessly with one child may crash and burn with the other. After countless conversations with family, friends, pediatricians, and teachers (or occasionally a stranger in the park if they were willing to listen), I came to the conclusion that I didn’t need answers; I was really just looking for a support system.

My hope is the stories I share provide some insight and guidance to those who may be looking for it. And that no matter what kind of mom you identify as – a crunchy mom, a scrunchy mom, a silky mom or anywhere in-between – you find a community of moms who have been in your shoes.

A little more about me: Lover of black coffee (hot or iced), grapefruit seltzer, and red wine. Depending on the time of day, you’ll typically find me with at least two of these beverages in hand 😊. Country music enthusiast and obsessed with all things true crime.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you. Please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] or visit the Contact Page with any questions, comments, or feedback.  

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